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I bet everyone who loves the Harry Potter series knows about J.K. Rowling’s new project: Pottermore. Those who haven’t, well you are obviously living under a rock.  When I heard that Rowling was about to give an announcement, I got pretty excited hoping it’d be a new book but it was instead Pottermore. Pottermore is an website that will provide us with a more insight on HP and character details so naturally I was pretty excited but the registration was not open to the general public for now unless you were one of the lucky one million who got to register for the beta release or ‘The Chosen Ones’ as my friend calls them.

Everytime I went to Pottermore to register for the beta would already be finished for the day. Of course that was to be expected as I am not the only one who is a huge HP fan. But what was even more annoying was that my friend got her Pottermore account and she is always rubbing it in my face (I know your reading this Eru Peru!). I was pretty jealous. I have no choice but to wait till October for the regular registrations. Ughhhh… I WANT MY POTTERMORE ACCOUNT NOW! :(

But October is almost here so a little bit of patience won’t hurt anybody right? Right?

P.S I still would have preferred a new book.

Pottermore.com <——— For more info.